Computer Engineering Beng
Many of our alumni from Computer Engineering (Computer Systems Engineering from 1993 – 2010) are or have remained part of renowned Top 100 Forbes companies like Microsoft Inc., Facebook and Google Inc. The student body has indeed been a source of pride for the faculty considering an annual intake of only 40 students every year and relatively recent beginnings of the faculty . In terms of software and operating systems, since the early 1990s, Microsoft operating systems and Intel hardware has dominated the market. But alternatives to Microsoft operating systems occupy a share of the industry, including Apple’s macOS and free and open-source Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux. Online Courses A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. There are currently almost 8 billion mobile phone numbers in the world! It’s hard to think of a product that has revolutionized gl...